ćPOWERFULć Grade 8 ceramic magnet material with 3,850 Gaussian internal. Each piece can provide 29 pounds of holding force under ideal conditions.
ćECONOMICALćThis ceramic magnet is an economical choice for magnets. Only a small part of the cost of a rare earth magnet of similar size.
ćDURABLEćThey will not rust in any environment. Suitable for fresh water or salt water. Magnetism will always continue normal use.
ćAPPLICATION SCOPEćScience education in schools, children's science projects, namely suspended trains, hand-made at home, light work in the backyard or garage, etc.
ćBUY WITH COMPLETE CONFIDENCEćIf you are not satisfied with the magnet for any reason, we will provide a 30-day no-guaranteed money-back guarantee.